New Client Information For Occupational Therapy Services
We offer OT services from Newborn through 21 based on your insurance. A referral from the PCP is required for OT services and has to be received before we are able to schedule the first evaluation session. We treat a variety of OT concerns including OT, Sensory and feeding issues.
There is new client paperwork the legal guardian will need to fill out contains general information, office policies and consent forms they will have to sign. There is also a OT questionnaire that will need to complete as completely and honestly for the client before the initial session. The questionnaire also helps the therapist know what the client is needing. The paperwork has to be completed before the initial appointment. The legal guardian must complete the paperwork and attend the initial appointments. The sooner the paperwork is received the quicker your check in process is on the first visit. We will also need legal guardian's driver's license and the clients insurance cards for the first visit. The appointment length is dependent on the amount of time the PCP orders.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks